Deep despair meets living hope

Today I received the following from an exhausted worker:


Lord, today, right now – nothing makes any sense. My heart hurts and tears fill my eyes – everything seems so desperate.

There’s a heaviness of heart, of limbs, of mind.

When will this all be over?

This battle, this war that is being waged?

And who is waging the war?

And why, oh why, oh why?


We’re imprisoned, each to their own confined capsule of space and time.


We weren’t born to be apart like this.

We yearn for and desire each other, to be together. 

To touch, to see, to smile, to stand close; present together.

And so, this aching is unbearable, Lord.


Yet, Lord, we had it all and seemed to fail to notice.

We are noticing now.

We are seeing with fresh eyes. 

We are hearing your birdsong with new ears 

And enjoying the warmth of the sun 

Our senses are being awakened, renewed through longing. 

But oh, how long Lord.

How long?


And in this, Lord, You are here.

You are so very here and very near.

Stand close, Lord.



Closer still. 

We know You with us.

We need You with us. 

We delight in Your presence. 

We trust in Your presence.

We grow in Your presence.

Thank You for the intimacy with the One my soul loves.

In my anguish, I find Your peace.

In my pain, through my tears, I feel Your hand, Your comfort, Your love.

And we worship You, Jesus. 

We exalt Your Name.

Because You knew a suffering even greater

Beyond our imaginings. 

Beyond the scope of my ability to comprehend.

You too cried out. You sweated drops of blood 

In anguish

In forsakeness

But – in obedience .

You endured 

You gave up Your spirit to the Father.

Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son


Lo’ Jesus meets us

Risen from the tomb.

Lovingly He greets us 

He scatters  fear and gloom 

So let the church with gladness 

Hymns of triumph sing

For her Lord now liveth 

And death has lost it’s sting!